


Soft-Grid Networks


To enhance micro-grid and smart-grid networks the soft-grid will stabilize power supply by delivering sustainable fuel to distributed power systems that generate electricity and heat at the point-of-use. SH2 has innovative ways to modernize the soft-grid’s antiquated use of pipes, tubing, pumps and valves. SH2 is available to train corporate teams how to enhance the effectiveness of smart-grid networks.


Corporate Sustainability


SH2’s experts have been following the renewable energy and sustainable practices industry for over 25 years. We can save your sustainability-team time and money by guiding members to safe, effective choices in enhancing your corporations sustainability program(s).


New Product Development


With mutual non-disclosure agreements, SH2, will assist your corporation and team of engineers to create, design, prototype, manufacture, market and distribute zero-emission technologies and/or integrate renewable energy technologies into your existing product lines.

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Given climate change issues and air and water pollution effecting the health of citizens, several governments are implementing strict emissions regulation on industry. Cap-and-trade regulations are starting to have an effect and economic impact on continuing business-as-usual. Corporations will develop an additional cash stream by minimizing their carbon-footprint and applying for certified renewable energy credits to trade with companies that are slow to act on implementing clean technologies into their businesses. SH2 helps your company determine which technologies to invest in that are cost effective now, have a good return-on-investment and that positions you to earn money trading certified renewable energy credits.


Renewable Energy Systems Integration

The renewable energy industry is growing at an ever expanding rate. Finite resources are located in extreme, environmentally sensitive areas. Dwindling supplies and reserves are becoming harder to find, plus with prices escalating amid record profits for the fossil fuel industry, many governments, businesses and consumers are switching to renewable energy systems. There are many choices when considering which renewable energy system to use to meet your energy needs. In addition, the intermittent quality of electricity from wind and solar can cause serious problems to the electric distribution network and electronic devices. SH2 will tailor your system size with the right mix of solar, wind and other zero-emission technologies to meet your specific consumer needs.